● 1. What is the Injustice that you want to learn about and give
your energy, thoughts, and ideas to fight?
Answer: I want to help the homeless and my ideas to fight are to go
around my neighborhood and give homeless people food. I don’t
enjoy seeing people sad and with no money and food and to have to
beg for food. I do not understand why people just help raise money
and build a homeless shelter, with beds, supplies, and soup kitchens.
If people were more generous and have already done this thing I
wouldn't be complaining about it. One of my dreams as a little kid was
to give homeless people homes and make sure they don’t die out.
This concludes my first answer.
○ 2. Why did you pick this particular subject? Why do you want
to help?
Answer:I picked this particular subject because I don’t like to see the
homeless on the street all alone and It makes me feel bad to see
homeless people. I don’t enjoy it makes my heart break when I see
their sad eyes staring back at me asking for money. It especially
bothers me when they say that they need the money for their family. It
always makes me feel so bad. It is the same thing for Stray cats and
dogs. This concludes my 2nd answer.
● 3.What would happen if I didn’t care about this subject? If I did
nothing? If I never gave my thoughts and ideas about the
subject to the world?
Answer: If I didn’t care about this subject I would go help stray animals
because the cats and dogs make my heart break. It is even worse
than homeless people. It makes me feel so bad because when
people beat their dogs it makes me feel worse. I don’t like to hear if
dogs die, and nobody cares about them after they die. I do not enjoy
this subject more than homeless. This concludes my 3rd answer.
● 3. Pick a fun nickname your are giving yourself for this project?
i.e.the Slayer of Slavery, Punisher of Poverty. What is your
Answer: My nickname would be Homeless man! I would go around the
neighborhood and give cans of soup or meals. I would also find
places for homeless people to stay and be taken cared of. I would
make sure that none of them die and that I will protect them. I have
nothing else to say so… Yeah.