Sunday, May 31, 2015

Ted Talk on “The Hidden Reason for poverty the world needs to address now”

In the beginning of the Ted Talk, Gary Haugen talks about how he was talking care of police abuse cases until 1994, when he was sent to Rwanda to be the director of the U.N.’s genocide investigation. He thinks that the Rwanda genocide was one of the world’s greatest failures of simple compassion (Compassion is made from two words in Latin, Cum Passion which means to suffer with). He was also part of the greatest success of compassion which is the fight against Global Poverty. One of his most Jarring experiences was with Venus who is a mom from Zambia. She has 3 kids and she is a widow.

When he met her she had walked about 12 miles so she could go the Capital city so she can tell her story. Venus talked with Gary for hours, telling him how she experienced poverty. She had to watch her youngest son suffer from malnutrition. To Gary, the fight against global poverty is the broadest, longest running manifestation of the human phenomenon of compassion in the history of our species. When Gary was graduating high school, they told him thirty five years ago that 40,000 children die because of poverty. But now, that number has dropped to about to 17,000 children.

His point is that every year, Eight million kids don’t have to die from poverty. The people that live in extreme poverty ($1.25) 35 years ago was 50%, but now is 15%. But 2 Billion people that only made $1.25 now only make $2.00. Now going back to Venus, she said that she was fine, until her husband died, and Brutus through them out of their house and stole their land. He says that none of those traditional antipoverty programs could stop Brutus because they weren’t meant to get rid of him. Gary goes on and starts to talk about another girl he met whose name is Griselda and she lives in Guatemala.

When he first met her she noticed that she wasn’t going to school at all and she was barely leaving her home. Days before they met her when she was walking home from church, men out of nowhere snatched her and raped her. She had every opportunity to go to school, but it wasn’t safe for her to get there. Any anti-poverty programs cannot save slaves from being in poverty, and that’s the downfall of them. Poverty has to be fixed so this problem can be solved.

My Opinion
I think that it is horrible that Antipoverty programs can’t fix this problem that they overlook it. I like the Antipoverty programs but I hate how they overlook issues such as dragging people out of their houses which causes them to be in poverty or people being dragged into slavery which causes them to be in poverty. I really hope that those programs while watch this Ted talk and try to fix what and how they support poverty.  But, I’m still glad that the numbers have started to drop for how many children died in poverty but I still feel really bad for them. This concluded my opinion.

"The Hidden Reason for Poverty the World Needs to Address Now." Gary Haugen:. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2015.

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